Polish Society for Nature Protection Services

Polish Society for Nature Protection Services

Become a member
How to become a member?
Please familiarize yourself with the Mission, Statute, and other information.
It's good to think it over carefully!
Wybrać formę członkostwa: członek zwyczajny (dCZ) czy wspierający (dCW).
If you have made up your mind, please print and complete the appropriate membership declaration (dCZ or dCW). The declaration on the first page contains essential information about you (we guarantee full protection of personal data). Write more on page 2 or attach additional sheets if needed.
Write a few sentences about yourself, suggestions regarding the types of activities that suit you best and how you could help us are welcome. We would appreciate any ideas, suggestions, and proposals regarding the programmatic and organizational activities of the association.
ry to find two people who are already in our Society who will support your declaration.
If you don't know anyone who is a member of PTSOP, please send the declaration without filled-in supporters. We will find individuals within our group who may already know you or would be interested in getting to know you, and they can act as your introducers.
Deklarację należy wysłać na adres siedziby stowarzyszenia: Polskie Towarzystwo Służb Ochrony Przyrody, Krzywólka 7, 16-411 Szypliszki.
Since finding supporting members may take some time, and membership is granted by the Board of the Society through a resolution, which requires a meeting of the Board members who are employees of various national parks, please be patient and wait for notification of acceptance into the Society.



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